Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Craft Caddy

Quite some time ago I had the idea to use some of the various vintage tins, boxes, jars, and other containers that I have collected to organize my craft and sewing supplies. You can see some of the vintage eye candy that inspired me here. As is often the case with me, I have the inspiration and the idea. but I fall short when it comes to actually executing the idea. This project is a little baby step toward my vision of organized vintage bliss.

I had this wooden caddy gathering dust in my basement. It it holds 4 pint-sized berry baskets (or tills) and is meant to be used for picking small berries such as raspberries. I have always heard carriers like this referred to as a handy, but a quick search didn't turn up any information so this may be a local or regional term for them.

Anyway, I have kept this berry handy because it reminds me of my grandfather. It belonged to him and I am pretty sure that he made it. Since I have no plans to do any berry picking, I thought it would be a nice idea to re-purpose this as a holder for some of my crafting tools.

After cleaning up the wooden carrier, I added an empty cocoa tin to hold my collection of decorative edge scissors, a couple cans covered in wallpaper scraps for pens and pencils, and the bottom of a vintage refrigerator dish to hold a set of shorter-than-normal markers. There is still a little room in one corner and I am on the lookout for a container that will fit there and work for holding glue sticks.

You can follow Better Nesting on Pinterest here.

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